Our Sask
Our Sask Podcast
The Saskatchewan Survivor's Guide, Ep. 101

The Saskatchewan Survivor's Guide, Ep. 101

It's finally happening...


Another podcast no one asked for 😏.

Well, technically you were asking and I’ve wanted to put out a podcast for a very long time. Except I didn’t want to talk to myself. The idea of filming myself as I point at nothing is just not me. I’d rather pour sand into my eye sockets than edit a video of myself, nevermind make one.

Enter Paul Dechene, a dedicated Regina journalist, co-host of the Queen City Improvement Bureau on 91.3FM CJTR and longtime Prairie Dog-scribe. I’m so humbled and honoured that he agreed to co-host with me and do the edits and technical production.

Paul and I have known each other for a few years through Saskatchewan’s social media circles and I’ve appeared on QCIB a couple times. We’re well-versed in each other’s opinions and on the podcast’s general subject matter, which for the next couple of months will be surviving Saskatchewan’s election season. Paul is a Regina resident and I’ve lived most of my life in Saskatoon, so we’ve got those covered on the municipal side.


As if that’s not fabulous enough, in under a week we have the exceptionally talented Matty V (you may know him as REAL FlyDog on socials) on board handling the creative, while Regina musician Wade Sakundiak created the original scores you’ll hear in the episode.


I’m certain on this first episode I ramble too long, talk way too fast and lack focus on the issues. I can’t say for sure though. I’ll never listen to an episode because if I did you can be certain I’d never record another one.

I enjoyed recording it though; a couple times I even managed to evoke the broadcasting skills I forgot I had. We wanted the first episode to be pretty casual, so it is. We’re recording our second episode tomorrow and I’m looking forward to being a bit more prepared and less nervous. I need to be more mindful when laying out my points.

Our plan is to record once a week from now until mid-November, or after the municipal elections. We’re going to distribute the podcast for free via Substack on Mondays (I believe it will get picked up other places you listen to your podcasts as well). Please feel free to share it wherever and with whoever you like.

Doing this - sharing another layer of myself besides what I parse out here and on Twitter - is terrifying for me for a number of reasons. Most of you know them and I’ll spare the rest of you, but it is for some of those reasons we’re keeping this podcast audio-only. I hate being filmed, Paul’s not a fan either and neither of us want more images of ourselves out there.

That said, leaving Saskatchewan almost two years ago was very good for my head. Today I live here part-time with my kids, which is perfect. I am ready to go back to sharing a bit more of myself in Saskatchewan; something like this podcast is perfect for testing the waters. I think it’s the right time.

I guess we’ll find out. :)



Our Sask
Our Sask Podcast
The Truth About All Things Saskatchewan
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Tammy Robert